SW Sports & Entertainment
240, rue Elgin St.
Sudbury, ON
P3E 3N6

SWSE is the organizational structure of the company including the Sudbury Wolves Hockey Club, the Food & Beverage organization that serves events at the arena and the promotion company that seeks to attract live shows and events. In the spring of 2017, SWSE welcomed the Sudbury Spartans Football Club to the family and most recently, in May of 2018, the Sudbury Five Basketball team.
The Sudbury Wolves are a member of the Ontario Hockey League whose season runs from September to March. Visit sudburywolves.com for more info.
The Sudbury Five are a member of the National Basketball League of Canada whose season runs November to April. Visit thefive.ca for more info.
The Sudbury Spartans are a member of the Northern Football Conference league whose season runs May to July. Visit sudburyspartans.com for more info.